I just got this chair a day ago so take this review how you will.Out of the box the chair is fantastic, it feels great and everything. I have been dying for lumbar support and while I can agree the support itself is a bit stiff, after a day of using it I have finally gotten to the point where Im super used to it and it actually feels good to sit in my chair. My back isn't aching like it was with my standard office chair.The chair itself kind of sits high off the ground even at its lowest, too high for my boyfriend, but its a perfect height for me because Im short and my desk is high so I need a chair that is higher so my arms arent resting on nothing or up above my head to type on my keyboard.In my personal opinion, and again I am a short person (5'3''), with the lumbar support, and especially if you're like me and like to sit cross legged, the butt of the chair feels to be a bit on the short end, almost like Im sitting on the edge, when using the lumbar support. It is however very comfortable for me to sit in crosslegged, as in my thighs arent pressing into the armrest bars or anything of that nature.I think (and again probably because Im short and my feet arent on the floor) that the chair, even with the tension fully eased, is hard to rock back and forth. Maybe itll loosen a bit over time and become a bit easier after a little bit more wear on it, but out of the box, it seems super stiff to me.Of course the extra features that you dont find in your typical office chair are a great addition. Laying fully back the chair doesnt feel like it wants to fall over, even if you put your whole self into the chair (lift your legs up) and this is including an about a 230lb, 6'1'' man.Everything came packaged well in its own box, even got gloves to help keep the pristine appearence while assembling the chair. Nothing broken, nothing damaged, nothing not as it was pictured. We ordered two, one black and brown and one black and pink and we couldn't be happier at this point (well I wouldnt say we couldn't be happier, but for the price we spent and what we got, we are very very pleased).With all that said, my chair is still only a day old. I cant tell if there will be or are any structural issues with the chair but I will be sure to update my review if I do end up coming across any. Hope this helps!

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