As a reference, I'm a 5'11'' male and weight about 165. So far I've used this chair for ~5-7 hours every day that I've had it.Pros first:First and foremost, this chair is comfortable. The lower back pillow and head pillow are somewhat odd at first, but after adjusting the seat back a little, they are perfect. They cushion what they're supposed to and don't feel uncomfortable at all for someone of my size.Second, the seat itself has plenty of cushioning as well and has good support throughout the chair so you don't have spots that are less cushioned or oddly shaped compared to other areas. This really helps when compared to my last chair which felt like it was made for someone with a flat ass made of iron.Third, there are enough adjustable settings on it to make it suitable for people with shorter arms / longer legs/ or higher or lower desk clearance. Personally (besides better cushioning compared to my old chair) this was the biggest sell. I have long arms and low desk clearance, so I needed arm rests that could be lowered to fit comfortably.Only Con really (if you even want to call it that):It's not brain dead easy to assemble, but it's not difficult by any means either. My main complaint is when you attach the back of the chair to the base, you should put on the adjustable side first, and then the side that is solid in place after. That made it a hell of a lot easier once I figured that out. The rest is pretty straightforward. Only other thing to notice is that you should be careful about dropping washers as you unscrew the bolts to attach various parts. I accidentally dropped one and I had to fish it out from between the fabric which was a little annoying as it's not one solid piece, but a cover over a base cushion I think. Even with that though, and the prior difficulties, it took me all of maybe 30 minutes to assemble and everything snaps right into place otherwise.It's honestly a really great chair. If you don't like the lower back and head cushions you don't have to use them. It's pretty sleek looking. And honestly a huge improvement over what I had and is IMO pretty damn great for something that is in the mid tier price range for office / gaming chairs. I HIGHLY recommend this chair to everyone like me as I'm sure you'll love it.

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