

My daughter is using this as her desk chair which is great because she is in school online for many hours a day plus homework. She loves it! She has had it for about 2 months now and she still loves it!

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Backed by the Biggest Names in Gaming and Esports

"Got the best chair in the game thanks to DXRacer" ——— Ethos NRG
Awards Awards
MUSE SIiver Awards Furniture Design-Seating & Comfort Furniture

MUSE SIiver Awards Furniture Design-Seating & Comfort Furniture


Innovation by Design Awards

Innovation by Design Awards

ITheat Hot

Creative Design Awards

Creative Design Awards


MUSE CoIden Awards  Furniture Design - Office Furniture

MUSE CoIden Awards Furniture Design - Office Furniture


Received Unanimous Praise from Press and Media

DXRacer Martian Series
DXRacer Drifting Series
DXRacer Craft Series
DXRacer Tank Series