Highlighting Our Amazing Affiliates

In 2021, it has been amazing to watch our DXRacer family grow. One of the significant parts of our family is our affiliates. The affiliate program is comprised of great content creators that are always producing creative and wonderful things. We wanted to take a chance to highlight some of those affiliates today.


We are starting with Darkbark, a growing Twitch streamer who has donated over 600 games to his community. The Belgian streamer is often accompanied by his significant other, Eiirev. Darkbark has a journey like most people when it comes to starting to stream.“I still remember the time where me and my partner were playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate when it came out, and we were saying the dumbest things that we thought should be immortalized on the internet. This is kinda what got us to start streaming.”

There is one thing that really stands out about Darkbark from his stream. The connection and love he has for his audience. "I'm not the person with the biggest audience, but I treat the people that do accompany my stream like close friends. I give away lots of free games for those who stick around. I've given away hundreds of games (my rough estimate is 600). I do it because I feel thankful for the people who take the time out of their lives to watch my content or even those who drop by to say hello. I want to give as much to my community as possible because, without them, I wouldn't even have the opportunity to do all of this in the first place.” Especially in covid times, we love seeing someone giving back so much to their audience!

Make sure to drop a follow on all of their pages! Twitter | Twitch | Tiktok | Youtube


Next up is Kat, aka GirlfriendTV. The West Coast streamer is relatively new to streaming, starting in December of 2020. Her start to streaming actually came from her setup. “I bought my PC set up back in summer 2020, and I posted a picture on my Instagram of what my set up looked like. A lot of people really liked my setup, from the chair to the PC itself, and they suggested that I should start streaming! I’ve always liked content creation, so I thought, why not?”

Now she frequently streams on Twitch. She starts by chatting with her audience for a while to catch up with all her viewers. You can really see the close relationship that she shares with her community. Banana cat will also be making plenty of appearances during this time. Streaming has allowed Kat to help build up a new community to chat and game with, especially to play Valorent. Valorant is the main game she switches to after chatting. “It's a lot of fun because the chat always stays interesting, and I meet a lot of new people every time I stream.” One of the people who popped in her chat was one of her favorite content creators, Loughh, which she states as one of her favorite streaming moments.

Support Kat and give her a follow! Instagram | Twitch | Tiktok | Youtube


Last but not least is Grayish Games! DXRacer also sends our congrats on his recent wedding. Grayish is always putting on a happy face, and it is hard not to smile when joining him along while usually playing Halo or Chivalry 2! “When you come to my stream, you can expect an environment that lifts people up. We all aim to keep the vibe light, say no to toxicity, and make sure we create a space for everyone to have a good time! I keep things family-friendly (as much as I can), and I believe this assists my viewers with having a positive experience with each and every stream. The games that I choose to play usually have some way for viewers to get involved if they want, and that leads to a closer community as well. The mixture of inclusion, positivity, and decent game-play is a unique combination that I don't see in too many other streams.”

His stream is a very tight-knit community as he keeps the vibe light and free from toxicity, thus creating a space for all of his viewers and newcomers to have a good time. “One of the main games I have played on stream is Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and I have had several fans of the franchise become regular viewers no matter what game I play. My favorite streaming moment so far is the stream where we had a full squad of Halo fans playing online all night! Several of the viewers joined my discord call, and it was great to take on the world as a little community, even though I had never even met these people! We even got to set up 1v1's with me and some of my viewers, and I would have never gotten to experience something like that if I didn't start streaming!” We love seeing people connecting and forming friendships, especially over their favorite video games!

Be sure to check out all his content! Twitter | Twitch | Instagram | Youtube

If you’re interested in joining the DXRacer affiliate program, please visit our affiliate page.